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  2020年11月04日, 星期三
  2 Replies
  4.7K Visits
Some types of jobs are boring. What causes this? What can employers do to reduce boredom?

免费课的同学,只练习,Body1 原因,尝试,自己检查,标记2个句子之间,有对应的单词


Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

Most of this rubbish comes from packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food (直接原因 packaging ).The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past (导致packaging 的第1个根本原因 consume 太多).Convenience is also very important in modern life (第2个根本原因 convenience ), so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.
Some types of jobs are boring. What causes this? What can employers do to reduce boredom?

A fixed routine can certainly create many boredom during work, because no one would enjoy to do exactly the same thing everyday, imaging a packaging worker spend 8 hours to sit on his/her chair for doing nothing but packing mushroom, which sounds boring already. Furthermore, passion from a employee is also a key factor to determine whether a job is fun or bored, if the employees love what they do, then they have never worked in a single day but full of enjoyment. By contrast, jobs are surely boring if there is no passion in between the staffs and the work.

艾米丽老师 看过来~~~~~
@Emily Jin

Most of the boring jobs comes from the repeatability from certain job types, such as a assembly line in a factory. (直接原因,工作单调). The reason why there are many this type of jobs is because employees cannot afford machines which are experience and difficult to operate in the factories, they are left no choice but to use manpower for a single purpose job day by day.(根本原因1) This type of jobs are easy to started is also a key factor in our case, the requirements of this type of jobs are much lower lead to many people who do not have high education can make their earning for surviving in the modern society.(根本原因2)

批的狠点儿 我感觉根本原因2老牵强了
可是我也找不到怎么去围绕这个 重复性工作的 根本原因了。。。
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