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  2020年9月13日, 星期日
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听力:P2碰到了地图题, P3还有匹配题,双重暴击!:(

阅读:section3 没有了段落大意匹配,文章难度不高,没有生词,但是所有题目对英文中的位置非常混乱,属于花时间精读慢慢找线索的类型。:o

大作文如下,考后眩晕,已经忘了英文描述,只把逻辑写在这等待 Lynn Yang Fei Teng 和各位吐槽当反面教材。个人认为,话题不难,但是题目中有很多关键词影响理解:all, should, have to, as well as;
Some people believe that all school students should have to study practical skills such as maintenance of a car and managing a bank account, as well as academic subjects, agree or disagree?

It is said that every school students must develop some practical skills. I disagree with this statement because it is not suitable for all students.

I believe, for most students, studying some practical skills is beneficial to their future.
这些实践技能在成年人生活中非常有用,比如可以修理汽车和管理自己的账户。如果学生可以在年轻的时候学会一些实用技能,就可以长大后不需要其他人的帮助就可以解决一些问题,变得独立。Furthermore,很多学生希望能在毕业后就能找到工作,而很多雇主同等注重员工的practical skills 和 academic background, 所以已经有practical skills的人更有可能找到工作。

Nevertheless,for some students, 不需要去学实践技能。

按照Lynn老师的建议改的,麻烦 Lynn Yang Fei Teng 评一下有哪些地方达不到7分标准,谢谢?

It is said that every school student must develop some practical skills. I disagree with this statement because it is not suitable for all students.

I believe it is imperative for most school students to study some practical skills because this is beneficial to their future. There is no doubt that practical skills such as maintenance of a vehicle and management of an account in the bank are considered very useful in adulthood. If young students were able to acquire such life skills at schools, this would facilitate them to solve some practical problems like fixing a car without asking others for help, becoming more independent when they grow up. Furthermore, today’s employers tend to pay equal attention to the practical skills and academic backgrounds of employees, therefore students who have already equipped themselves with such skills after graduation become more competitive and are attractive to the companies, offering them better career prospects.

Nevertheless, for some students, they should not be required to study practical skills. Pupils who are only six or seven years olds are not allowed to use tools such as knives and scissors at school, because they are still premature both in terms of physical conditions and consciousness. If they were asked to apply these tools while studying practical skills, it would be very likely for them to make mistakes, the consequences of which can be extremely dangerous to themselves and their classmates.

In conclusion, since practical skills can bring several benefits to students’ future life and work, they should study relevant subjects at schools, while it’s too early for some young students in primary schools to develop these skills due to the potential dangers in practice.
Fei Teng 你看我的评语哈
Yifeng Fangda Cui Johnny Z Sharon Zhou 你们讨论的很好哦
感觉,多用论坛的好处是,你们学的 越来越明白了 ?

Some people believe that all school students should have to study practical skills such as maintenance of a car and managing a bank account, as well as academic subjects, agree or disagree?

题库的原题目? 题目是: academic 和 practical 哪个重要 考试的题 更容易

It is said that every school students must develop some practical skills. I disagree with this statement because it is not suitable for all students.


I believe, for most students, studying some practical skills is beneficial to their future.
这些实践技能在成年人生活中非常有用,比如可以修理汽车和管理自己的账户。如果学生可以在年轻的时候学会一些实用技能,就可以长大后不需要其他人的帮助就可以解决一些问题,变得独立。Furthermore,很多学生希望能在毕业后就能找到工作,而很多雇主同等注重员工的practical skills 和 academic background, 所以已经有practical skills的人更有可能找到工作。

Nevertheless,for some students, 不需要去学实践技能。

Body 2 应该写 针对某类具体的学生 不应该学习practical skills
比如 7-8岁以下的school students 自己独立做事情的能力还没有养成
学习这些practical skills 可能很笨拙 都拿不起来工具等
(我们是 7-8岁 才有手工课的吧)

所以,你是技能1 - 中立观点的问题
楼主反驳的应该是 all school students 这个点 A as well as B 强调的是A 强调的是A 强调的是A 重要的事情说三遍

我觉得第一个body段应该上来就让步反驳,虽然学习practical skills 是有好处的,比如XXXXXXXXX,但是并不适用与所有的学生。因为学习practical skills 会占用很多时间,并且分散学生的精力,导致学生无法学习好academic subjects.

然后第二个body段可以写一下你的观点,正确的方法应该是 priority on academic subjects, 学有余力的同学,可以让他们学习practical skills. 注意反驳 all school students.


个人意见,欢迎点评 讨论


听力没有什么好办法,多练听写。 你可以把所有的地图题拿出来,集中练习,常用的表示方位和路线的词句就那么些。地图题不应成为问题。 Section 3 匹配题 需要做笔记
Hello,一起探讨下哈,让反那段我感觉也是一样, 因为题目中说到的修车和管理账户,我没忘小学生那边想,想着应该是高中生吧,不过all students这个也是....很尬,应该是不能同意,不然好绝对。
同意practical skills 和academic skill一样重要
原因1:只学习academic skill是不够的,因为学生会遇到很多事情是书本上没有的。如果能在学校学习practical skills,那么可以增加他的生活能力,而不是过多的依赖父母,同时也能帮助学生解决可能遇到的日常生活问题,比如修车和开户,这些问题是大部分人都要经历的, 从而让学生变的更independent.
原因2: 学习practical skills可以帮助学生扩展兴趣爱好,同时让学生了解更自己更喜欢做什么。 这对学生是非常有用的,因为帮助了学生将来找工作,很多雇主希望员工有工作经验, 学生在学习过程中就是在累计经验。 对比没有经验的人来说,学习了ps的人就更有优势。
总结,我支持学习as的同时也学习ps, 因为这对于学生是非常好的机会去增加生活能力以及积累经验。
你好 我算是新人 看完你的答案后 我自己有些想法 说不上评论 只是希望一起探讨一下

可是你的B1比你的B2占的比重大很多 就会弄得好像你的disagree也没有那么重要

以上是我个人想法 望更多大大点评
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