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  2020年8月23日, 星期日
  9 Replies
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Many young people spend more free time in shopping malls. It make negative effects on both the young people and the society they live on. Do you agree or disagree?

keywords: young people, shopping malls, negative effects, young people and society
逛商场→就业岗位+消费→boost the local economy
结尾:总结+my opinion

Consumerism has been gaining increasing popularity among youngsters these days and some argue that this trend would have adverse impacts on individuals as well as the whole society. While I accept this situation could bring benefits, its negative consequences should be seriously considered.

On the one hand, strolling around in a shopping center with friends is an effective way for younger generations to relax and conduct social activities. Modern youngsters are faced with higher pressure from the workplace as well as private life and buying commodities can help them release anxiety. Meanwhile, popular canteens and cafes in the shopping malls can serve a pleasant environment for young people to spend time with their peers, thus establishing stronger relationships. Moreover, from a social perspective, the local economy would be improved by shopping centers as their contribution to employment generation and consuming encouragement.

On the other hand, I would reckon that the outcomes associated with excessive shopping behaviors can be devastating. Spending too much time in shopping malls might result in impulsive payment as young customers are too vulnerable to be exposed to various advertisements and sales persuading. By doing so, many of these beginners in adult life might end up with financial problems. Also, it is so regretful for young people to waste time and energy on shopping that should have been utilized in self-enhancement, such as skill training or keep-fit exercise. The existing tendency could lead to an unqualified workforce in the long term.

To recapitulate, although there are positive effects brought by consumerism culture among youngsters, its drawbacks should be carefully predicted and well addressed.

body1 年前人逛商场通常是和朋友,家人一起去,一起shopping的时候有更多face to face 交流的机会,可以帮助他们更好的加深对彼此想法的了解,这样他们就会更relate 自己朋友和家人,增强了intimacy和sense of belonging。 除此之外,shopping可以帮助他们从平时学习工作中释放压力,他们可以感到relax,对他们mental healthyou好处。

body2 年轻人话更多spare time shopping,他们可能会买更多的产品,比如衣服,household device等,这些产品可以给他们生活提供很多方便,这样提升了他们quality of life。 当他们买更多products时候,demand of goods increase the need to produce them, generating more job opportunities, 让更多的人能找到工作,比如产品生产,商品销售,促进了经济增长对社会有好处。

body3, 虽然一些parents concern 年轻人花大量时间在shoppings上可能会导致他们过度消费,给生活经济带来压力。这种影响是minor的,家长可以通过合理建议帮助他们理性消费。

总结: 年轻人shopping可以帮助他们增加和朋友联系和放松,对社会经济增长也有好处,虽然有一些小的负面影响,但是可以被解决。
Megan 你的body 段落 都没有问题
你再复习 技能1 纠错表格
看一下 要不要修改 技能1 的结构
Chenquan 题目考的是A 对于 个人和社会有弊端


你先试着 回答我下面的问题
不要当作是 雅思考试 只当作是 平时和人聊天哈

e.g. 每天一个冰激凌 肯定会长胖
我明白了,反对应该从反驳弊端推,要是问pros and cros 这样写可以不?或者这个写成让步反驳可以不,就是把body3 放到第一段,然后后面两段写好处。
Megan 你的body 段落 都没有问题
你再复习 技能1 纠错表格
看一下 要不要修改 技能1 的结构

@Lynn Yang
我看了 “每天写逻辑Day1/30_A类/G类最高频” 帖子里大家的逻辑和你的批改,感觉我body段中心句之间缺少联系
Many young people spend more free time in shopping malls. It make negative effects on both the young people and the society they live on. Do you agree or disagree?

Body1:当年轻人花更多的时间在shopping mall时,就有可能对很多物质商品感兴趣而想购买,
这个过程就有可能变得materialism,而大部分的年轻人通常没有太多的钱,可能不能afford一些价格高的东西,这就会导致觉得自己没有比别人优秀,就降低了他们自己的self esteem。当年轻人变得materialism,就有可能根据别人拥有的物质产品去平价这个人,就有可能看比起那些不喜欢shopping的同伴,别人就会觉得自己没有收到拥有的respect 甚至觉得收到了其实,没有办法relate to each other,

Body2:当年轻人受到商品的诱惑越来越大,而自己买不起时,他们有可能采取一些不正当的手段去获得他们买不起的东西, 比如robbery,这个过程就有可能导致其他民众受到来自身体和钱财上的损失,这样就会导致犯罪率升高,社会就会变得不安全,其他人们就不愿意到商场来, 当商场里的消费者减少时, 商家的生意就会减少,盈利就减少,经济就不能得到发展。

conclusion:as discussed above,年轻人花更多的时间在shopping mall 会使他们降低self esteem,产生conflict,还会是社会变得不安全,影响经济发展

Recently, there is a phenomenon that more and more young people spend more leisure time in shopping centers and people believe it will bring negative impacts for both young people and society. I agree with this view.

When the young generations stay in shopping malls for an extended period, they would be more likely to be attracted by the products displayed in the shops and desire to buy more material goods, becoming materialistic. Since most young people don't have sufficient money, they might not be able to purchase products they like and probably regard themselves as not as successful as others, which will significantly lower their self-esteem. Meanwhile, those materialistic young people may tend to judge others based on the material products they have, making others feel disrespectful or even biased. It may raise misunderstanding and conflict.

It also has negative impacts on society. Facing these valuable products which the young people could not afford, they may probably try to get them in illegal ways, such as steal or robbery. If this is the case, the social crim rate will be increased, and the society that they live in will become unsafe. The other customers may be afraid to go shopping because of the potential crime caused by young people. Once the number of customers dropped, the shopping malls would suffer from business reduction. As a result, the economic development of the society will be influenced.

As discussed above, young people should not spend a lot of leisure time in shopping centers because it may raise conflict among individuals and affect economic development.

Lynn Yang
Emily Jin
Many young people spend more free time in shopping malls. It make negative effects on both the young people and the society they live on. Do you agree or disagree?

keywords: young people, shopping malls, negative effects, young people and society, more free time
Body1: 年轻人花更多时间在商场里,会导致他们比以往更多得看到很多商品,比如漂亮的衣服和鞋子等,这会更加促使他们对于物质有更多的渴望,逐渐他们就会变得比较materistic(论点一),当他们过多注重物质的时候,他们就会通过其它人穿什么,背什么包来判断那些人,这样会导致那些无法拥有同样经济能力的年轻人被歧视,从而影响到那些年轻人的self-esteem(论点二)
Body2: 当大家更加物质化, 就会形成一个现象,就是有钱的人和有钱的在一起玩,没有钱的和没有钱的在一起玩。这种现象导致了无法relate to each other, 影响到了sense of belonging.(论点一)当大家无法correlate with each other, 就会造成很多conflicts, 这对于social cohesion就会有负面影响。(论点二—)
Many young people spend more free time in shopping malls. It make negative effects on both the young people and the society they live on. Do you agree or disagree?


It is said that young generation spending more leisure time in shopping malls is detrimental to both themselves and their society. I entirely disagree with this statement because this trend can boost individuals' development and economic growth.

for youngsters, spending more time in shopping malls can benefit themselves in terms of interpersonal relationship and physical health.
shopping malls 里有很多社交场合,大家可以在课后和周末时间相约在一起喝下午茶,逛街聊天。如果年轻人能可以多花闲余时间在shopping malls里,就增加face to face communication的机会,我们可以适用facial expression,body lanuage and even tone 来表达我们自己的想法,更能够让人们recognise我们的feeling,并且show empathy for us,让我们感觉自己收到了理解,从而relate to them,并且感受到一种intimancy。Furthermore,young generation 现在都过着一种sedentary lifestyle due to the modern technology, if 他们被encouraged 多去逛逛shopping malls,也是能一定程度上增加他们的physicial activities机会,减少了增加体重的可能性,从而减少了患上某些疾病比如obesity的可能性。

for society, this trend has a positive effect on development of national economy.
年轻人tend to follow fashion trend和certain customer goods。
如果年轻人经常逛商场,就会expose themselve to these products, 这就 entice 去购买,特别是fashion clothes和high-tech gadgets。这就增加了这些消费品的消费需求,生产商就会相应地增加商品的供应,,output就会增加。Furthemore,为了满足生产需要,就可能创造更多的就业岗位,那些没有工作的人,就有可能得到工作,他们的income就会增加。这些outcomes都有助于economic growth。

As discussed above, when young people tend to spend more free time in shopping malls, it brings benefits to both individuals' social life and health and the economic development rather than vice versa.
Many young people spend more free time in shopping malls. It make negative effects on both the young people and the society they live on. Do you agree or disagree?


关键词:young people, free time, shopping mall

b1: young people spend free time in shopping mall优点1
b2:young people spend free time in shopping mall优点2

核心词:shopping mall
核心词特点:即使不去shopping mall也会冲动消费

核心词:young people

TC: shopping mall 被认为有negative effect to young people and society的原因是因为年轻人可能会因为商场广告的宣传而冲动消费

因为年轻人冲动消费的原因,可能并不仅仅是因为商场广告的宣传,有可能是因为年轻人容易受到同龄人的影响,会因为大家都买有而自己不买而产生peer pressure
所以即使不去shopping mall也会通过online shopping来冲动消费;
而且年轻人不去商场还会有side effect
如果年轻人不去商场,商场的东西卖不出去,会导致很多人失去工作,这些人会因为自己的工作价值无法得到别人的认可而降低self esteem,
同时unemployment问题会导致政府不得不give them umemployment insurance benefit, 从而加重 financial burden
所以young people 不在free time去商场并不能带来positive effect

TC:年轻人在free time去商场有不少好处

年轻人可以在free time 去shopping mall买东西释放来自学习与工作的压力
而且,年轻人与朋友家人一起逛街的时候,有face to face交流的机会,通过交流可以更related to them从而built strong relationship
同时,年轻人去shopping mall可以增加商场就业岗位

总结:in conclusion, young people spend their free time in shopping center could not only release their stress, strengthen their relationship with their friends and family, but also can decrease the unemployment rate and boost the economy
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