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  2020年10月26日, 星期一
  5 Replies
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Listening 3.5, 呵呵,你们知道的

Reading 5.5: 这个比我想象中要低些欸,估计是整篇文章都错了吧。回去想想怎么improve, 我做阅读分数一直不是很稳定。我有在中文挑出关键词,但是可能还是不对吧。

Writing 6.0: 我写的时候就感觉task 1跑题了,但是说我的tone 不一致是什么意思,就是没分清formal/ informal? 有个倒计时在屏幕上方,写大作文的时候完全是下意识想到啥写啥,然后又怕不够时间,我先写了开头,然后body1 写道一半转去写Boday2, 然后 body2 中间转去把 conclusion写了,在回来写完BODY 2, 最后Body 1, 最后写完还有10mins left.

(AC) They can give an overview.

(GT) The letter has a generally clear purpose; the tone is sometimes not consistent.

Key features and bullet points are covered. The point of view and main ideas are relevant but the conclusion(s) may be unclear. Some details might be irrelevant or wrong. Test takers can arrange their ideas logically, so that the writing has a clear progression from start to finish. They are able to use some linking words well, but others with mistakes. They can paragraph their Task 2 writing, although not always logically. They have enough vocabulary to answer the question. They try to use some less common words. They make some spelling mistakes, but the reader can still understand. They can write a mix of simple and complex sentences. The grammar and punctuation mistakes do not usually cause difficulty for the reader.

Practice writing to give information and make arguments. Make sure you cover all the points that need to be covered, providing supporting ideas and details. Reread your work and see if you can make your points clearer. Is the ordering of your ideas logical? Sometimes, rearranging them can make things clearer. You can also try joining up or separating sentences, using the right connecting devices, and changing where you divide your paragraphs. Continue to develop your vocabulary. Words can be similar in meaning but differ in formality, in their tone, and in their implications. Focus on learning the best words to use for the writing task, the situation, and what you want to say. Challenge yourself by producing sentences that are more complex. If you make mistakes with them, don't worry too much; just check and see how you can fix them.
Speaking 6.5 没有准备口语万能故事,想到什么说什么;打卡过,但是老师说不对,我等直播课,看怎么改吧.....
我记得 我点评了 Carrie 的万能故事? 你可以提前看看
那么 口语的时候 我们点评你的 万能故事? 你记得来直播哈, Fei Fei 应该可以帮你改, 我只是起到 辅助作用? Fei Teng
影响你考7分的 大作文的评语

but the conclusion(s) may be unclear.

Some details might be irrelevant or wrong.

They can paragraph their Task 2 writing, although not always logically.

主要是逻辑问题,词汇和语法,都不是大的问题,因为 都写了 不会影响理解
tone 不一致的意思

你用了一些 句子结构,单词,短语,让考官认为,你的tone 和你判断的tone 不一样

如果是informal,你用了 很长的正式的句子

或者 如果是 formal,你没有在开头 写清楚目的
我懂你Sharon,我想到你那天的倒霉事,来,我们one-on-ONE 阅读搞起来。
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