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  2020年10月03日, 星期六
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People with mobile phones can answer a phone call anytime of a day, 7 days in a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both the individual and society ?
Kathy Chloe Chenquan Yifeng elsa wang
People with mobile phones can answer a phone call anytime of a day, 7 days in a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both the individual and society ?

positive for two reasons:

for individuals, 手机对emotional well-being有益并且提高解决问题的效率。
手机通信不受地理限制,可以为在不同地方的人建立相互的连接。如果人们拥有手机,就可以与在其他地方的人比如朋友,同事和家人保持沟通。这样即时通信的优势可以给很多远走他乡的人们带来一种a sense of secuity and belonging to whom they call to。furthermore, 当人们遇到问题需要寻求他人帮助的时候,就可以不用到另一个地方见到对方得到帮助,这提高了解决问题的效率, 比如海外留学生经常打电话给父母寻求在生活技能的帮助而不需要回国。

for society, 公共服务可以及时的接收信息,提高社会安全;
很多关键的public service such as medical service, police and fire control 随时都可能面对社会上的紧急情况,需要更多的人手增援帮助。如果人们都能佩戴手机,他们可以随时与workplace保持联系,即使他们不在岗位上,当在emergency的情况下,他们的同事也能联系到他们请求支援。这样的好处可能让解救病人,捉拿罪犯和扑灭火灾,提高了社会安全度。

Lynn Yang 求吐槽,逻辑改好后,我会翻成英文文章。
People with mobile phones can answer a phone call anytime of a day, 7 days in a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both the individual and society ?


Nowadays, it is common for us to see that people whoever has a phone can answer a call anytime in a whole week. I think this development has more negative effects on both the individual and society.

Body1: positive 原因1
首先,人们如果在任何时候都能接到电话,就能在朋友,亲人因为紧急问题或是需要自己帮助时候能及时的了解情况,就有更多的时间去想出解决办法。这个过程中,就能加深人们之间的connection,提高了sense of belonging to the family,社会就会变得更和谐
Body2: positive原因1
另外,对于有工作的人来说,随时接到电话能让他们可以和别的员工及时的沟通in distance or even different time zone,不用错过任何工作方面的信息.当他们能随时解决公司相关事宜的时候, 就能提高工作效率,output就会增加,社会的经济就能得到发展
Body3: negative 让步反驳
There are, however, some disadvantages. 这样的发展有可能让人们人们在休息也会接到电话,导致他们休息质量受到影响,。但这是可以解决的,如果人们想在特定的时间不被打扰,可以将手机音量调小或是静音,在之后的时间再回拨给打电话给他们的人。

As discussed above, the development that people can answer a phone call at anytime can increase people's relationship with each other, and increase economic growth. Although this may also has some negative impact, but i think it can be avoided. Therefore I believe this development has more benefits than drawbacks.

我是应该在每一个影响时,都从individual 上升到society, 还是 individual一个段,society一个段
如果是第一种,那么conclusion总结好处1和好处2 时候,应该怎样总结呢?
核心词: phone,anytime, 7days
pros and cros
观点:我认为这是一个negative trend

B1 :impair sense of belonging and social skills,如果人们可以在一周7天任何时候使用手机,他们可能会过度依赖于使用手机通讯进行交流,then 减少了与朋友家人之间面对面交流的机会,无法deep understanding 他们的想法和感受,因此损害了对家人和朋友的sense of belonging。 moreover,面对面的交谈可以使用表情,肢体语言等来表达自己思想,这是一个对于学习工作都很实用的social skills,可以帮助我们cultivate 我们empathy 更好在生活中和别人合作,如果在生活中用手机交流几乎取代了面对面交谈,人们的这种social skills就会减弱,对他们工作学习有不利影响。

B2: 在任何时候使用电话可能会打扰到别人,有很多pulic place 需要人们保持安静,比如图书馆,医院或者电影院。这这些地方使用手机打电话,可以会分散别人的注意力,影响到别人学习或者生活。比如在医院,很多病人需要一个绝对安静的环境休息,如果使用手机,可以会影响这些病人休息,因此他们可能恢复的更慢,rise the risk to their health 对他们生活质量造成影响。

B3 :i do admit 随意的使用手机有一些好处,人们可以在任何时候联系到需要联系的人,节省了见面花在路上的时间,帮助他们能在最短时间内传递信息或者解决问题。但是这种non verbal的交谈经常会造成人们时间misunderstanding,尤其在解释说明一些complex content时候,通过短信,语言很难clarity clear ,因此conflicts may occur frequently。
People with mobile phones can answer a phone call anytime of a day, 7 days in a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both the individual and society?
Key word: mobile phones, phone call, anytime of a day, 7 days in a week

Nowadays, it is common for people to bring a mobile phone with them that could answer the phone anytime they want. I think this development has more negative effects on both individual and society, and the reasons are as followed.

B1: 让步反驳 a>b>c
Answering a phone call anytime 的确有好处,比如公司可以随时随地联系到雇员,解决非工作时间客户提出的问题,雇员可以因此得到公司的赏识,公司也会因此得到更好地客户反馈,但是可能有一些负面的result。员工会因为在非工作时间解决客户问题而减少员工的休息的时间(现象)员工会因为休息时间减少而无法休息好,从而在工作时间无法正常服务客户(结果1)

B2: 递进 a>b>c
不仅如此,人们可以answer phone anytime还会给个人和社会带来很多麻烦
第一,随着联系越来越方便,人们会认为可以随时联系家人和朋友,所以反而在平时不怎么和他们联系。(现象)不经常联系会导致不了解亲人或朋友的现在情况,互相会认为不理解对方,并且feel disconnected with them,从而变得lonely。(结果1)第二,由于手机的普及,社会交流中,公司更倾向于通过打电话等即使通讯方式来与客户交流。(现象)由于这些交流并非face to face,参与会议的人无法通过面部表情,肢体语言来表达自己的想法,使得客户公司无法recognize他们的feeling,甚至会导致misleading和misunderstanding,最终可能会导致交流的失败(结果1)

In the present era, many people could use a cell phone to receive a call anytime every day, I think this is a negative trend.

For one thing, using the mobile phone excessively would impair the sense of belonging to people’s family members and friends. If they use cell phone contact with others, they are more likely to rely on this non-verbal communication method. Then it may reduce the opportunity of face to face communication with friends and relatives. In such a case, those mobile phone users may find it difficult to deep understand their families’ feelings and thoughts, causing disconnection with people in real life. Moreover, people usually could use gestures, body language and emotional cues to interact with others through face-to-face communication, which is a crucial social skill that can help them cooperate and collaborate with others better in their lives. If the mobile phone dominates people’s communication practice, it would bring many drawbacks to cultivate their social skill.

For another, answering the phone call anytime may disturb others. There is no doubt that many public occasions require people to keep silent, such as library, hospital and school. using the mobile phone in those places, especially taking with others by mobile phone would make “noise”, causing a distraction to other people. For instance, the patient usually needs a quiet place to take rest in the hospital, the frequent phone call in this circumstance might bother them to take rest. Resulting in the desire recover result may not achieve, subsequently, impose a risk to their health.

I admit that using the cell phone anytime possesses some benefits. People could contact others anytime and send and receive information immediately, saving a lot of time to travel to a certain physical distance to meet others. Those non-verbal communications are easy to lead to misunderstanding among individuals, particularly when people try to explain some complex concepts, conflicts may occur frequently.

As discussed above, although mobile phones become more accessible have negligible advantages, it contributes to negative impact on sense of belonging and social skill. People should be encouraged to face to face with others more often.
People with mobile phones can answer a phone call anytime of a day, 7 days in a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both the individual and society ?

技能1:pros cons类型
body1: con1(对个人) 利弊分析
body3: pro 让步反驳


如果个人的工作效率低下,就会导致整个社会的产能降低,which 对社会经济产生负面的影响,不利于社会经济的发展,给社会带来了弊端

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