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  2021年1月13日, 星期三
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雅思口语Part1 只需4个万能原因

还没有学会方法的同学,收看今天的免费课 (晚上发 微信哈)

前5个同学, Ulysses 帮你们修改成8+的 表达哈

When I have free time, I like to read manga and watch Japanese anime. I am interesting on Japanese and their culture.
It can update my knowledge and make more creative ideas, then I can share some stories with my younger sister and teach her Japanese.
I put on display some cactus and anime's calendar on the table in my room to live up the room. It can help me to reduce stress.

我在房间的桌子上放一些仙人掌和动漫的日历,以使房间更加生动。 它有助减压。

I remember that before I started watching anime while working out I used to overweight than now and feel street. I usually worry about I will get obese.

我记得在开始边看动漫边做运动之前,我曾经比现在超重,并且感觉快得糖尿病了。 我常常担心自己会越来越胖。

However, after I developed the habit of watch cartoons every day, I get a lot of energy, focus, and even motivation. A ton of motivation to complete daily tasks. Because the I can get the satisfaction from this entertainment.


My girl friend had huge impact on me. I was doing same thing that other boys could do such as playing games, buying shoes, and party on weekends before I meet her. I do not care about details in my life. For example, cooking meal per day. I am not interesting it if the test of meal isn’t bad.
I do remember the first meal she cooked for me. She used three different types of knife and two different chopping board. That was very details and she was cooked a very simple recipe tomato fried with egg. But the test is huge different and way much better than I did before. I think that was the best one I never eat before except my family recipe.

She is very patient taught me cooking and told me that cooking is not mission, while it is a part of you enjoy the life. Therefore, girl friend is the main reason that could impact on me

While I am working, I often need to finish many challenging tasks, but I always could finish jobs well by working hard. Even I often feel exhausted after working, but I could have massive sense of achievement when I see my programs run well.

I prefer hand writing rather than typing. Since there is a long history traditional writing skill in China called calligraphy, it teaches people how to write by hand. It is a very challenging art, but every time if I could make even a little progress. I could have huge sense of achievement and believe I am able to write better in the future.

I prefer using pencils rather than pens. Since I love drawing, and my teacher have taught me how to sharp a pencil beautifully by hands. It is a challenging skill, but every time if I could do it, I could have huge sense of achievement.

事实上,我有自己的副业 就是帮中学生批改essy和报告。

I am interested in international news because I like to hear what’s going on in our world. It also helps me to realize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am.
When I have free time, I help some middle school students grade their assignments. Updating my knowledge continuously can help me to concentrate on a complicated task and provide a better quality of service to students.
I have never thought this job is boring. When I teach students, it gives me a sense of achievement.
I usually get the news from my phone by using Twitter and Instagram, I can think outside the box about defend issues and get creative ideas from the comments.
Before I start reading the news every day, I have no idea how to study and how to share my idea with others.
However, it gave me a chance to touch new people. It improved my communication skills and increased my motivation to write and revise articles now.
原因:缓解工作压力 relieve my stress at work

Due to the huge stress at work, I constantly suffer from anxiety, which causes poor sleep quality. Therefore, I always get up early in the morning.
I tend to run for about 20 minutes. Because running in the morning could put my mind at ease, which helps me to relieve my anxiety and stress at work.
It has become a habit to get up early as I always wake up before daylight. As a result, even at weekend, I still wake up early because of the biological clock.

I tend to read for about 20 minutes before I go to sleep. Because I constantly suffer from anxiety, bedtime reading could relieve my stress at work, as well as provide me a better sleep quality.
One of my hobbies is reading, particularly bedtime reading, which could relieve my stress at work. Therefore, I prefer to read at home.
One of my ways to relieve stress is reading, particularly bedtime reading, which could provide me a better sleep quality. Therefore, I prefer to read by myself.


这两天事情太多,回复的晚了, 我把所有常考的题都看了看,可能想的比较详细,想尽可能的套用到更多的题目里去,不知道是否合理。

1. 因为身体不太好,喜欢健康的生活方式。比如早睡早起,每天做outdoor moderate的锻炼,因为对health有好处。 moderate的锻炼方式即对身体好, 又不会受伤。outdoor可以晒太阳, 呼吸新鲜空气,看花草树木,feel relaxed, refresh my mind. 不喜欢任何intensive和危险的运动, 体育比赛竞赛,拳击 冲浪,害怕受伤,看到别人受伤也会很uncomfortable。如果睡眠不好,又得不到锻炼,就会experience presure, 无法concentrate, easy to get distracted.

What's your favorite sport? Why? Do you watch sport matches? Why?
Are you a fan of any sport teams? Why?What do you do in your spare time?
Do you like outdoor activities/What outdoor activities do you like to do?How often do you do that ?
What outdoor sports do you like? Why?How much time do you spend outdoors every weeks?
How often do you do outdoor activities?What outdoor activities are popular in your country?
Have you ever watched a running race?Do you want to travel in outer space?
Did you go to a picnic when you were a child ? How often do you go on a picnic now ?
Where do you go on a picnic ? What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home ? Do you think sleep is important ? Do you go to sleep early or stay up late ? How do you feel in the morning after that ?How many hours do you usually sleep at night ?
Is it necessary to take a nap every day? Do old people sleep a lot ?Do you always have a good sleep ?
Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment ? How can we fight sleep difficulties ?Which you love more sleep or work?

2. 喜欢安静, 不喜欢noise and crowded,不喜欢开车(开车后会感觉很累) 不喜欢traffic jam. 所以喜欢在乡村生活 (安静 不拥挤 不会堵车),不喜欢在城市生活,wanna live a peaceful life in countryside。也不喜欢become famous, 会影响我的peaceful life. 自己的家里喜欢干净, 整洁,不喜欢买很多东西 (不然家里会很crowded)。自己住,害怕有roomate 会吵到自己 (安静)。 不喜欢去电影院,因为需要开车 (不喜欢开车),或者因为有时候很crowded(比如周末需要排队买票)。不喜欢去mall, 因为需要开车(不喜欢),还会堵在路上(不喜欢traffic jam),mall里会很crowded,会很吵(noise),喜欢online shopping. 喜欢自己的hometown, 因为小城市,人少,不堵车。喜欢subway, train. 不喜欢bus, 因为会堵车。

Do you live in the city or in the countryside? (hot)
Do you want to live in the countryside? What could you do there? (hot) / Or Would you live in the countryside in the future? What could you do there? (hot)
Have you ever been to the countryside?What do you usually do in the countryside? (hot)
Which do you prefer, spending your holidays in the city or in the countryside? (new)Do you often go to the countryside?
Do you like going to the countryside?Do you have friends living in the countryside?What’s (the name of) your hometown?
Is that a big city or a small place?Please describe your hometown a little.
How long have you been living there?Do you like your hometown?
Do you like living there?What do you like (most) about your hometown/
Is there anything you dislike about it?Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
Are there any street markets around your place?Are there many street markets in your country? 有很多
Do you like going to the street markets?Why would people go to street markets? 喜欢去,只有local people 才去 人不多 不crowded。 方便离家近 不用开车 不拥挤
Would you like to go to the street market?Why or why not?Would you go to the street markets in other countries?
Are things/products in the street markets expensive?What are the differences between supermarkets and street markets?

3.喜欢接触新事物,学习新东西,新知识,因为很有挑战。 用学到的知识解决实际问题会 feel successful。喜欢交新朋友,在科学会议上会经常结交新朋友,和他们聊天可以学到很多新的idea,对工作有帮助。和工作相关类。人物类 也很喜欢去博物馆,因为可以了解一些新东西,新知识 <---这个太不会说。

What work do you do ?
Why did you choose to do that type or work ?
Do you miss being a student?
Do you like you job?/ Is very intersig?
What are you responsibilities at work?
How do you think young people change their jobs frequently?
What work did you want to do when you were young?
What work do you want to do now?
Do/did you have any part-time job?
Do/did you have any full time job?
What is your ideal job?
Do you like meeting new people?
How do you feel when people welcome you?
Do you often meet new people?
Can you tell if you like someone when you meet him or her for the first time? Why?
1. 成就感
我比较喜欢做自己比较擅长,但别人不擅长的事情,会令我很有成就感。比如说,身边并没有很多人会跳舞,而我从小到大练习舞蹈,活动需要表演人员的时候就会找我,当我能在舞台上表演的时候,我就会特别有成就感;我大学里的基础课程里有会计和微积分, 我这两门掌握得比较好,当我做的出题目,别人做不出时,我就会特别有成就感。

I prefer doing something I am good at, but others feel difficult, resulting in getting satisfaction. For example, I've been dancing since i was little that only few people have such practice. When only me can be invited to perform on the stage, I'll get much satisfaction.
I also very good at accounting and calculus in the university. If I am the only person who can solve the problem, I'll get satisfaction.

2. 金钱

I don't like to spend money on something unnecessary, such as clothes and docorations. I will use savings to improve my personal skills.

3. peaceful mindset

Recently, I want to get my ideal scores in ielts test. But I always feel hopeless in the process of reviewing which brings me a lot pressure. And my health condition gets worse. These situations even affect my friends.
So, i really need to give myself some rest to ease my stress, such as climbing mountains with my friends or going together to cat cafe which can relax myself.
Sometimes i will choose to stay at my dormitory to watch some funny TV programme.
At last, I can move on to study ielts.


I really enjoy playing badminton, because I can make friends when playing badminton with others. I would like to communicate with people from all walks and listen to their own stories, which enlightens me sometimes and I can also learn from the second-hand experience from them.
我自己想的时候 发现自己没有啥hobby:(
就仔细想 我平时的做事习惯 从做事习惯中总结的
麻烦Lynn Yang 老师帮我看看,多谢!

1、第2 3 4 5条 万能理由 都算是我的做事习惯 不知道能不能作为 万能理由?
2、我不知道自己从举的例子中 总结的万能理由 是不是恰当?

:D 第一个
当别人聊到不同的话题 比如历史、政治、时尚、名著、汽车 我都能了解一些 可以听懂别人说什么 并且跟着聊几句 不会显得很傻 什么都不懂



:D 第二个
可以让我用最短的时间完成 那些 没什么价值又不得不做 的生活琐事

好多品牌的共享单车 虽然包月更便宜 但我不想被捆绑 每次只选择最近的共享单车 这样更省时间
整理房间时 会计划好哪些东西是放在同一个地方 就会凑到一起然后一起放 不会一趟只放一件东西


:D 第三个
做不用动脑的事时 再同时做一件别的事
我就觉得自己make full use of the time 会觉得很充实

洗澡的时候 听书
上厕所 背单词


:D 第四个
我就不会有 临时抱佛脚的 焦虑,同时能够出色地完成任务,我自己会很满意,心情能很放松地做别的事

社保卡丢了 提前补办 不等到下次真的用才办
上班之前 会规划好 今天打算做完的事情
见客户 提前准备好要讲的ppt 问题list 以便见面时 有的放矢


:D 第五个
可以把这件事 从我心里的待办事项 删除掉
让我不feel guilty,能安心做 娱乐和放松的事情

今天计划写一篇作文 如果没写完 就会熬夜写完 不想拖到明天
自己心里预期的task完成后 才有心情做其他事情 不然会一直想着这个事

喜欢 玩游戏、看动漫、看电影

喜欢 学做饭 制作游戏和 绘画

喜欢 游泳,健身房,健身环


让我和朋友/家人/同事的关系 变得更好


做完这件事以后 自己就心理准备好 要全身心投入工作或学习(就是 你该放松的也放松了 该好好干正事了吧)
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