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  2020年11月24日, 星期二
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定冠词The一直会用错;名词单复数经常会写错;动词单数第三人称形式会出现问题。今天练习的两篇都存在这样的问题。今天主要练习了结构三 让步反驳 + 原因(弊端)+ 措施 明天练习reason+solutions/development


The best way to solve environmental problems is to improve the price of fuels. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Over the years, environmental issues are always prominent. People are proposing numerous methods to try to address these problems, such as improving the price of fuels, employing reliable and renewable clean energy, and enhancing people's friendly-environment sense. But I do not think that improving the price of fuels is the best way to resolve environmental problems.

(范文:There is no doubt that the ever-deteriorating environment has become a huge problem in many places. Solving this problem is unlikely to need a simple rise in petrol price.)

First, we have to admit that improving the price of fuels could, to some extent, be helpful for environmental protection. The higher the price of fuels is, the more expenditure vehicle owners have to pay. So, part of them could tend to take public transportation tools, like buses, subways, or even bicycles, instead of driving private cars. It will contribute to diminishing metropolitan carbon emissions.

However, looked at in another way, this method may not always take effect. For those who are wealthy and possessing two or more private cars, promoting the price of fuels cannot work when we aim at reducing carbon emissions. Because this group of car-owners is not that sensitive towards the price fluctuation in the market, for convenience, they will not give up driving private cars.

(范文:While it is undeniable that the ever-increasing car use is one of the main cause of environmental problems, higher petrol price is unlikely to significantly reduce the number of drivers. As those who can afford a private car tends to earn a decent income, a higher expense of driving would be inefficient to motivate them giving up the convenience of driving themselves. But there are various other measures that could be taken that would have a huge effect on addressing these problems. )

From my point of view, to eradicate environmental issues, we should develop clean, recycled, and renewable energy to replace traditional fuels. For instance, we can exploit wind energy to produce electricity to meet residents' needs rather than using fuels. Wind energy is using natural resources without worrying about pollution and shortage. Also, this sort of fuels is not expensive.

(范文:A better solution to tackle environmental pollution is to promote clean energy such as solar energy. If vehicles and factories relied on those sources of energy, there would be fewer pollutants produced so that the impact on air quality can be controlled to a lower level. Meanwhile, using this approach does not require individuals to give up their current habits such as driving private cars. In such a case, their quality of life will not be affected, which could ensure that a lot of people can really adopt/ follow this approach. So promoting clean energy is likely to be a more efficient solution than increasing the price of fuel. )

In conclusion, I'm not at all convinced that merely improving the price of fuels is a constructive way. Using clean and renewable energy from nature is just the right and sustainable alternative.

(范文:As discussed above, although increasing the cost of fuel may lead to a decline in environmental pollution, this solution is not the best one because not a lot of people would love to follow it. Therefore, we should seek other better solutions.)


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