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  2020年9月24日, 星期四
  10 Replies
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然后 上传截图哈
Emily Jin 你前几天发的 就是这个吧
打卡DAY 5 翻译了一小段, 用了grammarly 修改了(是不是交了钱功能更多?),错误就是with, by,冠词the会跳出来让我改。
打卡, 感觉自己不是很会翻译出好的句子结构。用了老师的abc, 也用grammarly 改了一下。
Lynn Yang 我发的不是这个,是以前课程里的grammar的纠错表格
9个万能语法 L349 视频链接 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15g1HZ8Zbcw

看完视频 写三篇文章
Step 1 最好找外教来批改 这样知道自己错在哪里
Step 2 总结自己的错误 免得总犯一样的错误
Step 3 知道哪里出了问题以后,回去看语法课
Step 1 先把自己的中文逻辑捋顺了
Step 2 继而找对应的句子结构用上 请注意 什么句子什么功能 一定要衔接好
Cambly.com 互动批改 便宜 还可以慢慢讨论 ( Lynn 提到她的学生可以有优惠 ~~~ 具体的问LYNN 吧 哈哈~~)(建议中等学生)
Ltalki.com 直接发过去批改 快 专业 严肃的分析 (建议 中高等的学生)

Countries become less evident each year because people see the same movie, fashion, TV show. To what extend the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
It is believed that nowadays, people often see the same film, fashion, and TV show. Therefore, the countries are becoming similar to each other when time goes by. In my opinion, the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages. (题目现象的改写,提出你的观点)
(这个我会把LYNN 的 empathy, sense of belonging用上;还有LYNN 的 economic growth & development, job opportunities 都用上 )
The trend of globalization is bound to have a certain impact on the country’s local culture, but I believe that globalization brings more learning opportunities and interactions. In other words, people who are exposed to other cultures can interact with local people more confidently when travelling, so that there will be no conflicts due to cultural differences. Secondly, the local trade and tourism industry will be stimulated when people have the same taste in fashion and food. Thus, this positive trend will create more employment opportunities.
技能1+技能2 + 逻辑链在技能3的哪个位置?
Some people think that international competitive sports such as football bring conflict between people of different age groups and nationalities. Others think sport is helping reach understanding between people and nations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Intro, reword and 观点 我偏向understanding这边

不同年龄,国家的人群因为人生阅历,国家文化产生了个人自己的偏好,>>> 不同的偏好导致了这些喜欢different sport team >>> 像football这种比较intense的sport 在support自己fav team的同时 产生与其他team的supporter的conflict。

然后,绝大部分的运动是可以使不同国家的人们相互理解, >> 因为有着相同爱好运动项目的人们,拥有共同话题,甚至一起运动>>>相互之间understanding增加 >>> 相互理解 达成empathy, 世界美好, Yeah~!

conclusion + 我的opinion

技能1+技能2 + 逻辑链在技能3的哪个位置?
In some cities, there are few controls over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings, so people can build in whatever style they like. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

disadvantages outweigh advantages
B1 advantages
1 当人们建设房屋的构思不容易被限制,人们会更愿意置业,建造自己偏好的房型,给社会经济带来好处
2 而且 居住自己偏好的房屋和工作在偏好的办公室里 让人们变得更快乐,心情愉悦

B2 disadvantages
1, few controls on design and construction lead to 更多潜在危楼(或解释为违规建筑),在建筑中,这些的建筑施工可能导致建筑工人受伤
2, 建筑后,危楼可能危害房主及邻居的安全
3 few controls on design 还会导致个人因自己的喜好而设计的房屋,比如破坏整个城市的市貌

技能1+技能2 + 逻辑链在技能3的哪个位置?
People from all over the world spend more and more time away their family. Why is this? What are the effects for the people themselves and for their families?

因为科技的提高,就算不和家人在一起,人们也能通过social media和家人联系,所以离家的这个选择变的更容易决定。

家人们的关系变得越来越淡,家人给予的支持越来越少, 然后产生精神压力,最后导致精神疾病
Day 5 语法结构打卡

这篇是我没上老师的课前写的,逻辑可能是跳跃的:o ,之后再改改。我感觉我的中文逻辑也特别爱说“如果,就。。。”所以特意好好复习了条件句,保证翻译的时候没语法错误。

题目 G类2020/10/07考题

Some people think that one should plan detailed activities for their leisure time, while others disagree with this view. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views on whether we should arrange our free-time activities. While some people believe it is pointless to plan carefully, my view is that making plans for leisure time is beneficial for both mental and physical health.

Some people support the opinion that there is a need to plan our leisure activities. Because planning things ahead of time needs time management skills, which help people spend their days more efficiently. By planning, following, completing their detailed tasks, they will have a feeling of fulfillment. Furthermore, it is a good way to develop self-discipline. For example, on weekends, some people still keep their weekdays’ routines, such as keep getting up early, doing some exercise, making meals, and cleaning the house. These routines help form good habits for all people, especially young people. If young adults get used to such a healthy lifestyle, they will be more confident and more healthful.

However, there are various reasons why many people think planning free-time activities is meaningless. Firstly, these people argue that they should fully relax their bodies when they are not working or studying. Making a detailed plan is time-consuming and energy-consuming, which leads to more stress in their life. They may think that they can do whatever they want to do during their free time. In this way, their pressure from work or study will be released. Another reason is that some people spend most of their leisure time with family members or close friends. In this case, if we have a specific schedule, our family or friends might feel not happy. As a result, we will not be able to enjoy the time with them.

In conclusion, although not planning activities helps people relax and allows them to enjoy time with their family and friends, detailed planning is the best way for us to achieve these goals. I strongly believe that a good plan for leisure time would be more effective, thus bringing long-term benefits to our mental and physical health.
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