By Sophie on 2022年7月26日, 星期二
Posted in Daily Check-in
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I am a software tester.


2、What kinds of commercial are you interested in?
这个题目我没有立即反应过来是advertisements 那个topic。然后我和他确认了下commercial这个单词:do you mean advertisements?
然后我就有点忘记题目问的是啥了,印象中好像是问的对那种广告感兴趣,就硬着头皮答了。因为当时觉得没有准备过这个题,就随便简单回答了下(事后想想好像只是题库问题的变种): I see different kinds of advertisements every day. But I can’t remember which one is interesting to me.

3、Do you share advertisements with others?
No, I don’t. If I share advertisements with others, it seems like I want to sell the products in the advertisements to others.

4、Do you want to work in advertising in the future?
No, I don’t. because I don’t think I am creative enough to generate different kinds of innovative ideas.
old buildings

5、Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?
Yes, I have. I often visit these old buildings to know more about the famous people who lived there before.

6、Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?
Yes, I do. old buildings usually represent local history. If we protect old buildings, people will have the opportunity to have firsthand experience, which engages many senses, such as hearing, vision or even the smell and taste, which will help people to gain an indepth understanding of local history.

7、Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?
I prefer to live in a modern house because old buildings are very easy to collapse under extreme weather conditions. That would be very dangerous.

8、Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future?why?
No, currently I am not interested in any old building.

Part 2
Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say
What it is
When you tried this product for the first time
How it is produced
And explain why you like it.

I would like to talk about YongJiu bike which is one of the most popular traditional bikes in China.
The first time I tried this bike was when I was in primary school, about 7 or 8 years old.
I don’t know how it is produced but I know YongJiu bikes are usually made of plastic, rubber and metal.
I have a Yongjiu bike and I really like it because it has helped me to save a lot of time. I usually ride my bike to commute to work. I hadn’t realised that my bike was so important to me until it was missing last month. After arriving at the company, I parked my bike downstairs. But when I was going to ride my bike home, I found it was missing. I called the police, but they just let me wait. But last week, they told me they had found my bike. While my bike was missing, I had to take the bus to go to work which couldn’t allow me to commute to work as quickly as possible, which couldn’t help to keep my life very efficient. In order to make sure I wouldn’t be late for work(被打断)

1、中国traditional products有哪些?
There are many kinds of traditional products in China, such as tea, silk, fans, paper-cuttings and different kinds of food, such as zongzi, dumplings and moon cakes.
Many people like to drink tea, especially old people. people would like to eat different kinds of traditional food on traditional festivals, such as Spring Festival, Mid-autumn day or Dragon boat festival. When they eat traditional food, they are happy.(被打断)

2、traditional products 有啥好处
When foreign tourists travel in our country, for example. They would like to buy these traditional products so that they could send gifts to their friends or family. As a result, the demand for these products will increase, companies producing them need to (被打断)

3、local people怎么样 他们喜欢买这些traditional products吗?
it depends. For rich people, they would like to buy different kinds of traditional products. But for poor people, they don’t want to buy traditional products, because they may think that they have spent a lot of money on food, accommodation, transport(被打断)

I think students usually have class in local schools. In local schools, there are many local teachers who(被打断 考试结束)

总体感觉发挥的挺好的,part1 part2都是准备过的题,而且part3除了最后一个题,其他的题都之前准备过,所以有很多可以说的,完全没有卡壳的情况。考完还觉得比以往状态都要好。应该也没有犯语法错(至少我自己没有发现过,上上次复习的时候,我有每天zoom录视频纠错的,纠错了2周。)

1、part1没有用上任何一个万能原因,导致回答都太短了。advertisement那个topic应该是能套上efficient那个万能原因的,但是第一个题目的时候 没有反应过来可以套。old buildings那个本来准备的时候 就没有能套万能原因,倒是套了个逻辑链(firsthand experience)
Part 1和Part2 分析的都是对的

补充一下 Part3: 打断的太多了,
还说明,考官不愿意继续听下去了 没有兴趣了。。

Many people like to drink tea, especially old people. people would like to eat different kinds of traditional food on traditional festivals, such as Spring Festival, Mid-autumn day or Dragon boat festival. When they eat traditional food, they are happy.(被打断)


e.g.tea. bla bla bla .....
bla bla bla ...
ba bla bla ..
we loooove drinking tea. there are different types of tea in china such as oolong, green tea.
WE drink them at different time of the day
There is also a tradition of giving tea as a gift on some special ocassions such as .

2、traditional products 有啥好处
When foreign tourists travel in our country, for example. They would like to buy these traditional products so that they could send gifts to their friends or family. As a result, the demand for these products will increase, companies producing them need to (被打断)


这样可以促进经济的发展(idea map)

One of the benefits is that it can contribute to the economy. because when tourists come to china, some of them would love to buy some souvenirs to give to their friends as gifts. This will generate demand of such products, thus contributing to the economy

3、local people怎么样 他们喜欢买这些traditional products吗?
it depends. For rich people, they would like to buy different kinds of traditional products. But for poor people, they don’t want to buy traditional products, because they may think that they have spent a lot of money on food, accommodation, transport(被打断)

题目问的是traditional products, 你应该回答traditional products 的特点

I think older people and middle aged people like to buy these products because they are more influenced by traditional culture, some of them still keep some traditional practice such as drinking tea.
Whereas for the young generation. I dont think they are a big fan of traditional products. since they find western culture or K-pop more related to them. so. they may view using traditional products as old- fashioned

I think students usually have class in local schools. In local schools, there are many local teachers who(被打断 考试结束)

你回答的是: 我觉得学生可以在学校上课, 在当地的学校,有当地的老师。。

更直接的回答是:学校可以邀请一些local 老年人来宣传之类的

Part3 问题很大,你没有直接回答考官的问题
如果是用idea map 和逻辑链的题,先总结出来是什么好处,再具体描述

模仿我给你修改的,再写3个part 3题目的中文答案吧,我帮你看看,你是不是理解了
0 Votes
1、part1没有用上任何一个万能原因,导致回答都太短了。advertisement那个topic应该是能套上efficient那个万能原因的,但是第一个题目的时候 没有反应过来可以套。old buildings那个本来准备的时候 就没有能套万能原因,倒是套了个逻辑链(firsthand experience)


Part 1和Part2 分析的都是对的


1、那我part1的topicpart2套万能原因的题 需要重新再准备吗?

2、part1都是根据我自己真实的想法准备的答案,我是不是需要 特意地 把万能原因给加上,确保每个topic都有一个万能原因

3、大概 part1 每个问题的答案长度 是几句话比较好?(肯定有一个题是套万能原因,那其他的题大概需要准备几句话)
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1、那我part1的topic 和 part2套万能原因的题 需要重新再准备吗?

不用, 万能原因的部分,已经是高级的表达了

part2 就是这样的, 可以套用万能故事的题,肯定说的更有故事性
套不上的,就会觉得比较平淡。。 e.g.家里的machine 坏了,有人来修理。。
你是很难 说的很精彩的


2.part1都是根据我自己真实的想法准备的答案,我是不是需要 特意地 把万能原因给加上,确保每个topic都有一个万能原因

Youtube 有一个studyding with me , 关于这个季度 Part1题目的套题过程,你可以去看看

3、大概 part1 每个问题的答案长度 是几句话比较好?(肯定有一个题是套万能原因,那其他的题大概需要准备几句话)

比如 Do you like watching movies ?
I dont like watching movies because + 万能原因

Why do you think there are people who like watching movies.
I dont know. If I could get it, I would have been a big fan of movies. So I m really not sure about it.
虽然我回答的很短,但是我用了,third conditional ..
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Part3 问题很大,你没有直接回答考官的问题
如果是用idea map 和逻辑链的题,先总结出来是什么好处,再具体描述

模仿我给你修改的,再写3个part 3题目的中文答案吧,我帮你看看,你是不是理解了


1 What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

2 Do people have time for themselves nowadays?
No, they don't. 他们工作太忙了(先总结原因)。因为there is fierce competition at work,他们觉得自己can't secure their jobs for a long time。。。

3 Do you like talking with older people? Why?
喜欢。因为他们可以从老人身上学到很多经验(体现older people的特点,就是有很多经验)。当他们遇到困难的时候,老人可以分享经验给他们,他们知道best way to solve the problem,save the time on trying 不同的方法,帮助他们快点解决问题

4、what are good ways to manage traffic?

要有reasonable的traffic laws,这样犯法的人可以被punished(直接回答问题)
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非常好了。。 part3 就是这套路,没有问题了哈
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