By Gavin Xue on 2021年4月10日, 星期六
Posted in Daily Check-in
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Unbelievable summary for all the points and skills for taking listening test. One like me might think: yeah with all the determination and confidence you can figure all of that out. Right, you might, but it will take ages or maybe never getting all of them. Lynn's instruction had saved me tons of time and answered most of my confusion, after I practiced listening test along for about 1 month all by myself.
Her answer hit upon the point of every detail, so you should pay attention when you listen to her class and make sure not missing any important thing, which you might think it was trivial.
My listening self-practice score was stuck at some point after one month of practice, as a result, I started looking for any possible shotcut or so-call tricks on internet. I changed my way of dealing the test following the original order to jump ahead to section 2 or even 3 trying to preview the rubric. My practice experience told me that method sucked, not only it disrrupted my pace , I also felt panic when I missed part of info . That was just one example what had happened to me, not to mention her metions about the importance of maintaining a stable mentality was crutial during the test. In one word, I am so regrettful that I wasted so much time and only taking the course today.
OMG This is impressive :D

If you keep doing reflection like this daily, I'm sure you can achieve your target score very soon. within 2 months ;D

Ulysses Gonzalez Fei Teng
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