By Ulysses Gonzalez on 2021年3月04日, 星期四
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Some people say that the government should spend money on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers, while others believe that it is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
题目类型: both view

开头There are conflicting views regarding wether the languages that are used by few group of people should be preserved by government ,this essay will discuss both side of views ,followed by my own options

Body 1 认为需要保护少数人用的语言的原因 (by contrast)
People who agree that government should spend money to on measures to save barely used languages may put forth to the following argument 少数人使用的语言可以体现一个国家少数民族的思想和行为,如果政府没有花钱去保护这些语言的话, 使用这些语言的少数民族人会觉得自己的文化没有得到政府的尊重,从而对政府产生不满。By contrast , if government provide financial support to preserve the language of ethnic minority 他们就会觉得自己受到重视,认为自己的需求得到了政府的理解,感到政府站在自己的角度思考问题,从而很容易让他们relate to 政府,增加他们对国家归属感。
这样一来他们就会更加愿意和这个国家的人合作to make the society better ,从而促进国家经济的发展。

Body 2 :a.>b>c认为政府保护少数人用的语言的是浪费经济资源的原因

However ,opponents to this way of thinking have theirs own opinions ,which they can also easily justify .
Conserving languages that are used by few speakers may require a lots of financial and technical recourses for a government , if一个贫穷的国家的政府花很多钱去save the barely used language ,那么这个国家的许多穷人,尤其是温饱都有困难的人就会觉得自己政府满足他们的需求,感觉没有被理解和尊重,甚至感觉没有被公平对待,thus developing resentment towards legislation or protests against authorities ,which may lead to social unrest and effect to the economic development 。
结尾: 两边 (if,,if,,)
In my opinion , from the above analysis , it seems that the necessity of protect the rarely used languages depends on the financial strength of the government , if 是发达国家的话就应该
保护这些少数使用的语言,让少数民族的人有归属感,如果是贫穷的的国家的话应该把priority 放在公民最需要的温饱问题上。
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