By Ulysses Gonzalez on 2020年9月05日, 星期六
Posted in Daily Check-in
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you find out that you can not attend to all the classes. write a letter to the principal
why you cannot attend to class
what would you like to do

some people believe that water is the most important natural resource a country can have. other people think other resource is more important(like oil or gold), discuss both views and give your opinion.

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There are conflicting views regarding whether water is the most important or other resource are more important natural resources to a country. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument and followed by own perspective on this matter.

Those who advocate that water is the most important resource a country can have may put forth the following argument. For individuals, there is no doubt that water plays an indispensable role in supporting human life: it helps our body to function properly so that we can survive. For society, the agriculture industry needs a great amount of water to irrigate the fields of crops. Without sufficient water, individuals' health can be at deadly risk, and it becomes impossible to grow anything to eat. Therefore, water is considered as the most important resource to a nation.

Nevertheless, those who think there are other resources more important to a country can also justify their opinions. The price of a unit of oil or gold is much higher than water. If a country possesses a great amount of this kind of natural resource, the government can sell it to whom have less at a rather higher price and make a bigger profit, which can be seen in a lot of countries in the middle east area whose governments are very wealthy through selling their fossil oil. Whereas, water is a much cheaper resource so that a waterless country can just purchase it.

In my opinion, though other natural resources have a more competitive price in the market and a country can sell them in return for big financial benefits, they are not the fundamental needs of individuals. By contrast, no one can survive without enough water, which has made it the most important natural resource anywhere.

Lynn Yang Fei Teng 模拟考写了一篇,打字出来了. 40分钟用了35分钟,不知道最后一段让不反驳的一边倒写的如何?
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other resources : coal, solar energy ,nuclear energy 因为比较好写啊 逻辑连里面就有现成的, 你的body 2 是一个6.5-7之间的段落 逻辑没有问题 但是 你自己应该有感觉吧 没有body 1 写的好; 结尾我没有问题;我会给你6.5 你下次at Ulysses 也可以问他的 多和他互动 别老让他藏在后面 ?
谢谢Lynn的中肯评价,的确B2写的没有B1顺,因为我自己在模拟考,基本上B2就是看题目中列举的例子(gold,oil)展开现象和逻辑了,怕写别的 natural resources会跑题。之后我会多多 @大佬Ulysses 来狠评。
两边的view 要写的一样多嘛??
我是写water is the most important 比较顺,换成其他的,就不知道该写啥了,我的body 2写的很少。
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